
Quality has been democratized.

Run Before You Walk is a podcast & YouTube channel that helps smaller churches understand how to succeed in online worship. We help churches understand the format shift that comes with online worship, and make the most of it.

Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Can We Live-Stream for $1k?

Lots of churches are trying to live stream on a shoe-string budget. That's technically possible, but we think it unwise.

We think it's unwise because it's almost impossible to do that well, and the goal is not simply to live stream, it's to provide fairly high quality video.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Monitoring Discipleship in Online Worship

Measuring discipleship online isn't much different from in-person, though the events you'll notice might change. All the sudden, liking Instagram posts might matter quite a bit. We walk through how to think about this in this episode.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Implementing Goals: Strategy in Practice

In a previous episode, we outline 3 goals that churches might have for online worship. Most churches will be aiming at one (or more) of these goals.

This episode compares various models of online worship to these goals.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

3 Goals for Online & Hybrid Worship

If you're picking an approach to hybrid/online worship, you need to know what your goal is. And goals can vary dramatically. If you know your goal, it will become clearer how to structure your online worship.

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Stephen Hale Stephen Hale

Making Space For Grace in Online Worship

Run Before You Walk’s first episode! Learn one of the most important lessons Pastor Matt & Stephen learned together: how to create a good vibe in online worship (and what that means).

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