Making Space For Grace in Online Worship

Run Before You Walk’s first episode! Meet Rev. Matt & Stephen, and learn one of the most important lessons they’ve learned together: how to create a good vibe in online worship (and what that means).

We went through the same difficulties many other small/medium-sized churches went through. You’ll find some sympathetic voices here

Principle 1: Lean into the format change (in-person to online)

Principle 2: Focus on the “Vibe” (ie barriers to grace)

Lesson 1: Online worship should be shorter

Lesson 2: Sermons need to be shorter, too

Lesson 3: You need to work harder to be engaging

Bonus Tips: Learn the basics of camera angles (we’ve got a video to help with that here:     )

Bonus Tips: Add engaging elements, which helps make things more engaging


Great Online Worship (with volunteers)