3 Goals for Online & Hybrid Worship

If you're picking an approach to hybrid/online worship, you need to know what your goal is. And goals can vary dramatically. If you know your goal, it will become clearer how to structure your online worship.

Matt & Stephen present 3 potential goals for hybrid & online worship, then talk through the implications of each. Keep an eye out! Our next episode continues on the same idea.

1) Be effective marketing to people who want to investigate your church before visiting.

2) Support people who really think of themselves as part of your in-person community (for example home-bound folks, or soccer moms who can’t come to church on a given Sunday morning).

3) Create a distinct online worshipping community, almost like adding an additional worship service/campus.

This episode was filmed at Palisades United Methodist Church in San Clemente, California. https://www.palisadesumc.org/


Implementing Goals: Strategy in Practice


Maintaining Community During Online Worship