Custom Content

This is a collection of custom content we created for churches in the last few years. Some are sermon bumpers, others are service elements, introductory countdowns, and the like.

 We help churches succeed.

Capital Hope helps small churches win at online and hybrid ministry. We do that with two things. First, we help you think and form a plan. Second, we create the graphics and tools you need.

Say hello. We’d love to talk about what the future looks like for your church.



Startup Kit


It’s crucial to tell your community who your church is. Our startup kit gives you video tools to do that. It includes:

  • An Intro Countdown Video

  • A “This is Who We Are” Video

  • The filming necessary to make these videos

Click here for examples.




We can film your event, worship service, or community. Talk to us about options!

Bumper/ Narrative


Tell a story. Introduce a sermon series. Engage people with a video, and do in two minutes what you could otherwise do in twenty.

Please note this does not include any filming.

Click here for some examples.


Edit Your Worship Services


We will take the video, text, liturgy and graphics from your church, and turn it into a polished finished worship service.

Please note this does not include any filming.

Email us for a selection of worship services we have edited.