Online views are DROPPING!
The Unstuck Group just released their 3rd Quarter survey results. They found something interesting about online viewers of worship services....
Online views (of 1 minute or more) dropped 6% in the 3rd Quarter of 2023. That's right, they went DOWN.
So what should our churches learn from this? Everyone is returning to in-person, right? So we can just stop streaming online, right?
Tony Morgan notes that many Senior Pastors are thinking this way, while their staff and co-pastors see this as short-sighted.
I agree: that approach would be short-sighted. It misunderstands what's happening.
Online viewers ARE going down because people are returning to in-person worship. That's true.
But all the reasons our churches are streaming worship (or some form of online content) are still valid....except for the pandemic:
There are still homebound folks in your congregation that have difficulty attending in-person. Their need for online content from your church is growing, not shrinking.
There are still AYSO families in your church that can't attend some Sunday mornings. Their need for online content from your church is growing, not shrinking.
And perhaps most importantly...most people still check out an institution online before visiting in-person. That is....most people under 50 will not visit your church before looking at your online content. Their need for online content from your church is growing, not shrinking.
During the crash in the late 1990s, many people said “e-commerce is dead. People don’t want to buy things online.” How short-sighted they were! They misunderstood the internet as a flash in the pan, but what was really happening was a reorganization of how things worked. Two steps forward, one step back. But the overall direction is clear.
That’s all we’re seeing today with online viewers. There’s a reorganization post-pandemic. Online viewers will continue to grow over the next year or three, for churches wise enough to stay the course.
Capital Hope Media specializes in helping neighborhood, community churches reach their local community…online.
Learn more about how we can guide your church to do this work for itself at this link. There is a path forward for your church, and we can guide you through it.